Tips for Writing a Loving Tribute to Your Pet

Jul 31, 2022 by Denise Lee Branco, in Author , Inspirational

Last month, I was asked by an author friend to write an article regarding pet tribute writing for the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital in Seattle, Washington. It was the first time that I ever wrote an article for someone else. I was nervous to say the least.

I almost turned down the gig, telling myself that I’m not a freelance writer. I write books and articles for my newsletter. That’s what I do. My friend had suggested, prior to this opportunity, that I write articles as a way to promote myself. I thanked her for her encouragement and faith in me, but thought to myself, I’m nowhere near the caliber of professional freelancer.

My dear friend persisted and helped me through the assignment. And when it was all completed, she said, “I think you may have a new career outlet as a guest blogger for pet and vet blogs!”

Thank you, Laura, for pushing me. I’ll never forget how you believed in me, when I didn’t think I could pull it off. It’s been an honor to serve the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital audience.

My article: The G-I-F-T: How to Write a Loving Tribute to Your Pet appeared on the AVH blog on July 17, 2022, as part five in their pet loss series. Click this link to access the article and many more.

Friends, as you can see, even your inspirer often needs an inspirer herself. My advice to you is to say “yes” to every opportunity that comes your way, whether you think you can do it or not. You might be surprised at the confidence you’ll gain, and you just never know where that one courageous step might take you.

Denise Lee Branco
July 31, 2022


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