He Led Me to Purpose

It’s been more than two decades—28 years to be exact. I can’t believe how the sun has risen and set for 10,220 days and yet, I can look at this photo and instantly feel the same joy-filled and grateful emotions that I felt in San Luis Obispo, California on the Memorial Day weekend of 1993 when I led Freedom out of that boarding stable corral. It was a day of redemption and renewal. He had been gone for twelve years but he was finally homeward bound—back to the ranch where he was born.
I didn’t know then that the blessing of having Freedom back in my life had much more meaning. It would take years of life lessons and self-discovery to realize that Freedom would instead be the one leading me to my purpose.
I’ve written about that journey in my next book Ride to Purpose: Finding Freedom on the Trail of Life. My manuscript is currently undergoing developmental review by my editor. There is much yet to do before publication, but I couldn’t wait to share this latest news!
How about you? Have you taken time to evaluate your life to ensure that you are living precisely how God intended? Are you making a difference in this world with your gifts and talents? My hope is that Ride to Purpose: Finding Freedom on the Trail of Life will be an inspiration for your own personal journey.
On this Memorial Day, I not only remember my beloved horse Freedom but also the fallen who’ve served with courage and sacrifice to protect our freedom in this country. I think of my 600,000 fellow Americans who have died from COVID-19 and feel the weight of that terrible loss. It is much to bear, but we can honor all of these heroes by living in our purpose and using our gifts to make the world a better place.
Denise Lee Branco
May 31, 2021