In 2024, You Have the Power!

You may be wondering, why is Denise showing me a photo of a cat cave? She must still be tipsy from New Year's Eve celebrations.
I bought this pet bed for my feline office assistants. Actually, two caves for three cats to use, because there are two equally comfy spots on fluffy towels on wooden stands by my office window. That seemed to me like enough luxury accommodations for three cats, but you should see the look of disappointment in the eyes of the one who missed her chance to settle in a cat cave before the others and is forced to move to the towels by the window. Cat owners, you know. To them, it ain't the same.
This pristine feline cave with a plush, sherpa interior was the "purrfect" retreat for my three, furry office staff. That was my opinion. Turns out, it was not Mindy's.
One day, while I was working in my office, I glanced over, and Mindy was walking across the top of it...back and forth...until it stayed flat. She climbed inside her new abode and found it so comfortable, she slipped off into kitty dreamland. Once she awoke from her cat nap, and left the room, I pushed the top of the cave back into its normal egg-shaped form.
The next day at the office, Mindy again stood on the top and pushed it back down. Guess what I did when that day was over? Guess what Mindy did the following day?

So, I told myself, why am I even challenging the demands of a persistent torbie? Mindy wants a chaise lounge, and that's that (according to Mindy).
You see, my friend, you also have the power to reshape your life. If you don't like something the way it is, consider modifying it to your liking. If someone gets in your way (like a boring cat mom), stay strong in your convictions and do what you gotta do.
It may look odd, the way Mindy has transformed the once beautifully contoured cat cave, but hey! She made it her own and I admire her ingenuity. May 2024 be the year that you step out and make a change. Be bold! Create your own masterpiece.
Happy New Year!
Denise Lee Branco
January 1, 2024