It's Book Release Day!

No more waiting. The day has come! Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story in hardcover and e-book formats hits bookshelves today! The bunny above was first in line to purchase a copy and wants you to know that it’s a page-turner!
My shipment of printed copies is scheduled to arrive this week from Tennessee. I’ll be hopping back by to let you know how to order your own personalized copy directly from me and shipped within the USA, once it does, and which charity will receive a portion of sales from those direct orders during the launch (which ends on Easter.) Books can also be purchased from and Barnes &
A portion of sales from Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story will continue to be donated to various animal rescue organizations after the book launch. As a cat mom of three rescued felines, it’s the least I can do. They fill my days with joy.
I’ve given my first donation serious thought. After seeing the heartbreaking images of families fleeing Ukraine with their cats, dogs, and rabbits, I’d like to donate to animal charities which are involved in meeting the needs of the Ukrainian animal refugees. I found a great article by the TODAY show of animal organizations that they’ve vetted, and I will be choosing a charity from that list.
I can’t wait to see where the journey takes this book and how many animals’ lives will improve in Chloe’s memory. Thank you for coming along with me on this exciting ride!
March 29, 2022