Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe's Story
Happy Valentine's Day

In memory of my rabbit, Chole, I wish you a very happy Valentine's Day today. Chloe was a special little bunny who brought joy to me and her fans. Although she is now hopping around Heaven, indulging in a feast of veggies and grasses, her legacy continues to entertain and inspire readers of Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe's Story.
I have exciting news related to my book Dog at the Tinsel Tree: Susie's Story. I'm thrilled to say that it won its 17th award as "Finalist" in the Dog Writers Association of America book awards contest, special category, Rio Award. I love how the award is for an article, book, or essay that profiles a dog who changed someone's life in a profoundly positive way. That's what Susie did for me. She was six months my senior and showed me a pet's unconditional love from the moment I entered her world.
Until next time, keep taking leaps of faith toward what your heart desires. It more than likely won't be easy, but it truly is possible.
Honoring a Beloved Dog & Cherished Rabbit with Book Awards & Online Interviews

There's been a lot going on since we last connected. Dog at the Tinsel Tree: Susie's Story has won its second and third book awards!
It was awarded Distinguished Favorite in the Gift Book category of the 2024 Independent Press Awards and Bronze in the Holiday category of the Illumination Book Awards. I can't believe it!
Bronze in Memoir - Award #14!

Another Book Award? Yes, #14. I can't believe it either! Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe's Story won bronze in the memoir category of the Northern California Publishers and Authors Book Awards (NCPA) contest. This book awards contest was the last one that I was eagerly awaiting results. You see, NCPA is where it all began.
Winner in the 2023 National Indie Excellence Book Awards!

The National Indie Excellence Book Awards presented Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe's Story with Winner in the Gift Book category and Finalist in the Animals/Pets category. Maybe all I'm supposed to do today is show by example that what God has in store for you is waaaaayyyy greater than you can imagine!
Finalist in the 2023 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Contest (Gift Book Category)

Book award #12 for Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story from Next Generation Indie Book Awards! I am continually both amazed and deeply grateful when another book award announcement arrives in my in-box.
Thank you for allowing me to share this honor with you. Reach for the stars, my friend. Rewards, like this, can happen for you!
Finalist in the 2023 Christian Indie Awards

Book award #11! First Place in the 2023 Christian Indie Awards (Gift Book Category.) I haven’t entirely figured out why God keeps blessing me with these awards, other than to say I believe He’s showing me that I’m right on track. Keep going! Keep improving. No matter how hard life can get at times, this is your purpose. You are destined to do great things.
Winner in the 2023 Book Excellence Awards Contest (Gift Book Category)

Book award #10! Winner in the 2023 Book Excellence Awards Contest – Gift Book Category. Are you as shocked as I am? I can’t believe it, and yet I feel validated. During the big gap (twelve years) between book number one and book number two, I worked hard at honing my craft. I attended countless writing and publishing conferences, meetings, and webinars. I read books on the subject, and I wrote…and wrote.
Distinguished Favorite - 2023 Independent Press Award

Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won Distinguished Favorite in the 2023 Independent Press Awards: Animals/Pets category. I can’t believe that I’m hopping back by to let you know about book award number nine! I’m grateful for each award as the recognition can help me support animals all over the world.
Finalist - 2023 Feathered Quill Book Awards

Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won Finalist in the 2023 Feathered Quill Book Awards: Animal-Adult category!
I am overjoyed to receive this eighth book award in Chloe’s honor and to share it with you. I want you to be inspired by each book award, because I hope it proves anything is possible when you take that first hop.
Thanks again for joining me on this journey and supporting my passion to help animals in need.
It's Rabbit Binky Time!

When a rabbit is very happy or excited, it will jump in the air while slightly twisting its body and head. That’s called a “binky”. I can still see Chloe jumping, twisting, and kicking her feet high in the air when she was super happy. She made me smile with glee and even chuckle at her exuberance. Her joy was contagious!
Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won its seventh award! Judges in the 2022 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards Contest presented me with awards from three categories: Second Place in Coffee Table & Gift Books and Honorable Mention in Animals/Pets & Holiday! I share my awards with you, because I want to show you that with hard work, perseverance, and faith, anything is possible.
Paying it Forward: A Rabbit's Impact on the World
If only a sweet little bunny, named Chloe, could have understood the reason God showed her the way to my sliding door that warm, summer morning. It’s because of her impact on my life that her story is now memorialized in a book, so she can help other abandoned animals and those who’ve had to flee wars, wildfires, and hurricanes.
Bronze Medal in the 2022 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards

Believe in you! Believe that no matter what anybody says, your dreams can be achieved. Believe in what your heart is telling you to do. Anything is possible. You must believe it, my friend.
I had no guarantee my dream of publishing Rabbit at the Sliding Door as a hardcover book with color photos would work. This venture would mean high print costs, higher list price, and deep wholesale discounts for third-party vendors, which could leave very little for animal rescue donations.
All I had was my vision and faith. I believed everything would work out. And you know what? That’s all you need.
Distinguished Favorite in the 2022 NYC Big Book Award Contest

The Big Apple honors Chloe! New York City Big Book Award judges give Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story the Distinguished Favorite award in the category of Animals/Pets Nonfiction in this year’s contest.
I’m thrilled to share our latest recognition with you. Each award that Rabbit at the Sliding Door receives not only pays tribute to Chloe, but it also highlights the great need to support animal rescue.
Bronze Medal in the 2022 Living Now Book Awards (gift/keepsake/coffee table book category)

Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won a bronze medal in the 2022 Living Now Book Awards contest!
This award is extra-special. My first book Horse at the Corner Post: Our Divine Journey won a silver medal in the 2011 Living Now Book Awards contest. I hoped for repeated victory, because the Living Now Book Awards’ theme: Books for Better Living, makes me feel that I’m helping make the world a better place. Click here to go to the Living Now Book Awards website for a complete list of winners.
Honorable Mention - 2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards

I’m excited to share that Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won another book award: Honorable Mention in the Animals/Pets and Holiday categories of the 2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards contest.
This link will take you to the Purple Dragonfly Book Awards website where you’ll find a complete list of winners.
Finalist in the 2022 International Book Awards Contest

I’m excited to share with you that Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won its first book awards: Finalist in the Animals/Pets: Narrative Nonfiction and Novelty & Gift Book categories.
Click here to go to the International Book Awards website where you’ll find a complete list of winners and finalists.
Copies Now Available!

My shipment has arrived, and the online shop is open for business! If you’re interested in buying copies of Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story directly from me, this link will take you to the home page of my online shop. Be sure to indicate the name of the person you’d like me to autograph your copy to in the comments section.
I will be setting aside $3.00 from the sale of each Rabbit at the Sliding Door book bought directly from me and shipped within the USA during the book launch (ends on Easter) to donate to IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare). IFAW has been helping animals all over the world for over 50 years.
It's Book Release Day!

No more waiting. The day has come! Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story in hardcover and e-book formats hits bookshelves today! The bunny above was first in line to purchase a copy and wants you to know that it’s a page-turner!
"Hoppy" New Year!

Divine timing. Those two words sum up why this year her story will finally be told. There’s no other explanation.
For those of you who haven’t seen the rabbit in this photo before, meet Chloe. She hopped up to my sliding door one summer morning and stole my heart. Chloe became quite the social media star back in the day, entertaining fans from her rabbit sanctuary.