Looking at Life Differently Post Concussion: Thanking God and the Angels

I've always been one to be fully present in what each day offers; someone who reminds herself often that tomorrow isn't promised. That reminder took on a whole new meaning in late April.
It's a long story but let's just say that a home's uncarpeted concrete foundation is super hard when you fall and hit it with the back of your head. I don't remember details until I was on a stretcher in an ambulance and the paramedic told my friends that he was taking me to a hospital other than mine. I corrected him, stating, "I go to Kaiser." Funny how the thought of a lack of insurance coverage is what got my brain firing again!
The paramedic politely told me, "No, we're going to the Sutter Trauma Center." All I could say with tears rolling down my face was, "Oh, okay." I feared the worst. It was the day after our family received upsetting news about my father's health—a very tough week.
Spreading Holiday Joy with Susie's Story

Isn't it wonderful how a room filled with holiday decorations does something to the soul? It instantly lifts our spirits by its beauty, brings back fond memories of past Christmases, and gives us renewed hope.
I participated in a holiday craft faire this past week. When I arrived and saw that I was assigned a table right in front of the gorgeous Christmas tree, I was ecstatic! It was the perfect location for a holiday-themed book.
Book Release Day!

No more waiting. The time has come! The dog in the photo was first in line to purchase a copy of Dog at the Tinsel Tree: Susie's Story and wants you to know that it’s a page-turner!
It IS Possible!

You know how I keep trying to inspire you to take that first step? To pursue your dreams no matter how impossible you think they might be to achieve?
Believe me, if you only knew how many balls I have in the air at this time in my life, you'd realize that you CAN accomplish anything, as long as you keep making even the smallest of moves forward.