

We Vowed

We Vowed
Sep 11, 2021 by Denise Lee Branco


Twenty years ago, we vowed to never forget. We promised revenge on the evil that had killed or injured thousands of Americans on our soil and forever changed life as we knew it. We rose up, proudly waving our American flag and announcing, “United we Stand”. Fifty states, selfless and compassionate, ourned together. The whole world became Americans that day and grieved along with us.


Meet Natalie

Meet Natalie
Mar 21, 2021 by Denise Lee Branco

I’d like to introduce you to a young writer named Natalie Munoz. She and her mom are dear friends of mine who I first met at a neighborhood event about six years ago after I had just moved to the area.

Natalie’s mom recently sent me a link to Natalie’s first essay My Two-House, Duffel-Bag Life which was published by the New York Times. I can’t even begin to tell you the pride I felt not only because she made the New York Times but in having an opportunity to read a young writer’s work, especially one I know and adore.

Blinders On!

Blinders On!
Jan 31, 2021 by Denise Lee Branco

As we bid farewell to yet another January, let’s take a minute to see if we’ve veered off and need to course-correct to reach our destiny. Are you taking steps towards a better life for you and others? Are you chasing your dreams? Are you making efforts to answer the call?

Yesterday when I got in my car to run errands, a sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen was just beginning on the radio. Some might call that luck to get in my car and drive at precisely the top of the hour when talk radio shows change, but I call it divine timing.

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