Bronze Medal in the 2022 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards

Believe in you! Believe that no matter what anybody says, your dreams can be achieved. Believe in what your heart is telling you to do. Anything is possible. You must believe it, my friend.
I had no guarantee my dream of publishing Rabbit at the Sliding Door as a hardcover book with color photos would work. This venture would mean high print costs, higher list price, and deep wholesale discounts for third-party vendors, which could leave very little for animal rescue donations.
All I had was my vision and faith. I believed everything would work out. And you know what? That’s all you need.
Distinguished Favorite in the 2022 NYC Big Book Award Contest

The Big Apple honors Chloe! New York City Big Book Award judges give Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story the Distinguished Favorite award in the category of Animals/Pets Nonfiction in this year’s contest.
I’m thrilled to share our latest recognition with you. Each award that Rabbit at the Sliding Door receives not only pays tribute to Chloe, but it also highlights the great need to support animal rescue.
Bronze Medal in the 2022 Living Now Book Awards (gift/keepsake/coffee table book category)

Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won a bronze medal in the 2022 Living Now Book Awards contest!
This award is extra-special. My first book Horse at the Corner Post: Our Divine Journey won a silver medal in the 2011 Living Now Book Awards contest. I hoped for repeated victory, because the Living Now Book Awards’ theme: Books for Better Living, makes me feel that I’m helping make the world a better place. Click here to go to the Living Now Book Awards website for a complete list of winners.
Tips for Writing a Loving Tribute to Your Pet

Last month, I was asked by an author friend to write an article regarding pet tribute writing for the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital in Seattle, Washington. It was the first time that I ever wrote an article for someone else. I was nervous to say the least.
I almost turned down the gig, telling myself that I’m not a freelance writer. I write books and articles for my newsletter. That’s what I do. My friend had suggested, prior to this opportunity, that I write articles as a way to promote myself. I thanked her for her encouragement and faith in me, but thought to myself, I’m nowhere near the caliber of professional freelancer.
My dear friend persisted and helped me through the assignment. And when it was all completed, she said, “I think you may have a new career outlet as a guest blogger for pet and vet blogs!”
Finalist in the 2022 International Book Awards Contest

I’m excited to share with you that Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story has won its first book awards: Finalist in the Animals/Pets: Narrative Nonfiction and Novelty & Gift Book categories.
Click here to go to the International Book Awards website where you’ll find a complete list of winners and finalists.
Copies Now Available!

My shipment has arrived, and the online shop is open for business! If you’re interested in buying copies of Rabbit at the Sliding Door: Chloe’s Story directly from me, this link will take you to the home page of my online shop. Be sure to indicate the name of the person you’d like me to autograph your copy to in the comments section.
I will be setting aside $3.00 from the sale of each Rabbit at the Sliding Door book bought directly from me and shipped within the USA during the book launch (ends on Easter) to donate to IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare). IFAW has been helping animals all over the world for over 50 years.
"Hoppy" New Year!

Divine timing. Those two words sum up why this year her story will finally be told. There’s no other explanation.
For those of you who haven’t seen the rabbit in this photo before, meet Chloe. She hopped up to my sliding door one summer morning and stole my heart. Chloe became quite the social media star back in the day, entertaining fans from her rabbit sanctuary.
Christmas Miracle

I think the best miracles are those we hadn’t anticipated, much less imagined. It’s when we’re caught off guard, in a good way. God hands us something so mind-boggling, we can’t help but stop and marvel at His work.
I delved into genealogy research during the pandemic, curious to learn more about my roots. Though I wrote about those interesting discoveries in my upcoming memoir, I couldn’t wait to share our latest family miracle with you.
We Vowed

Twenty years ago, we vowed to never forget. We promised revenge on the evil that had killed or injured thousands of Americans on our soil and forever changed life as we knew it. We rose up, proudly waving our American flag and announcing, “United we Stand”. Fifty states, selfless and compassionate, ourned together. The whole world became Americans that day and grieved along with us.
He Led Me to Purpose

It’s been more than two decades—28 years to be exact. I can’t believe how the sun has risen and set for 10,220 days and yet, I can look at this photo and instantly feel the same joy-filled and grateful emotions that I felt in San Luis Obispo, California on the Memorial Day weekend of 1993 when I led Freedom out of that boarding stable corral. It was a day of redemption and renewal. He had been gone for twelve years but he was finally homeward bound—back to the ranch where he was born.
I didn’t know then that the blessing of having Freedom back in my life had much more meaning. It would take years of life lessons and self-discovery to realize that Freedom would instead be the one leading me to my purpose.
Meet Natalie

I’d like to introduce you to a young writer named Natalie Munoz. She and her mom are dear friends of mine who I first met at a neighborhood event about six years ago after I had just moved to the area.
Natalie’s mom recently sent me a link to Natalie’s first essay My Two-House, Duffel-Bag Life which was published by the New York Times. I can’t even begin to tell you the pride I felt not only because she made the New York Times but in having an opportunity to read a young writer’s work, especially one I know and adore.
Blinders On!

As we bid farewell to yet another January, let’s take a minute to see if we’ve veered off and need to course-correct to reach our destiny. Are you taking steps towards a better life for you and others? Are you chasing your dreams? Are you making efforts to answer the call?
Yesterday when I got in my car to run errands, a sermon by Pastor Joel Osteen was just beginning on the radio. Some might call that luck to get in my car and drive at precisely the top of the hour when talk radio shows change, but I call it divine timing.